Welcome. This website is designed to share with you creations, including books and artwork, which includes painting, drawing, sculpture, book art and poetry. Blue Bone Books is a publishing company that supports poets and writers and helps them launch their books. In November 2021, I introduced my first novel, which will be part of a series called Legendary Women Ancestor Series. This book is called the Legend of Randine: Entering the Sisterhood. The second novel was published in April 2022, called The Legend of Randine: The Laerdal Letters. It is a project I have been researching and writing for over twenty years! The third book in the series is a collection of true stories about the son of Randine and Ole Lysne. The book is called: Kisti’s Royal Garden. More details are under the BBB drop down tag.
The art work on these pages represents many years of working in various mediums. It is my pleasure to share with you concepts, ideas, and inspiration. The books and art work is also for sale. Prices are available on each item. If you wish to own one of my art works, please click on the title, and the price will show up. You can buy it through contacting me. My books page has poem samples, books and publications. Thank you for visiting my website. You can also see the other work I do through two other websites: www.thecenterforthesoul.com and www.bluebonebooks.com

@ 2021 all rights reserved. All photos are taken by the artist. To inquire about using any image contact the artist to request usage.