My paintings are various depending on the topic that seems to need to be expressed.
My most recent series is on portals. Portals are doorways into other realms; graduation, marriage, divorce, birth, death, and buying or selling a house, and moving from one location to another, are all life transitions that are also portals. I experience them frequently as I move from level of consciousness to another and back again. Humanity is going through a portal right now with the covid-19 pandemic. We experience them all the time and do not always realize we have just stepped through one until life shifts and we are in a new world.
About this slide show (below)
This exhibit was recently held at the Santa Cruz Mountain Art Center with my friend Barbara Thomas. Here I stand in front of three paintings, a watercolor portrait of Star Woman, a second portrait of Star Woman in the spine, and a dancing woman celebrating the beauty of the stars. Yes, I love the cosmos, stars, and star beings.
@ All Rights Reserved. All images and photos are created by the artist. If you wish to use any image, or you would like to purchase a sculpture or painting, please contact the artist.