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Blue Bone Books is a cooperative poetry press. Its authors are: Robin White Turtle Lysne, Stuart Presley, Janet Trenchard, and Marcia Adams. Three other authors, who have been published by Blue Bone Books are; Biraj Palmer, Barbara Amita, (metaphysical book) and Barbara Thomas who is poet and artist. We also have a new anthology UNEARTHED from the Emerald Street Poets.
Blue Bones Books publishes multi-genre poets who are also painters, photographers, book artists, singers and seers. Most of the books show case their talents with their original visual or musical work presented with the poetry. Poets involved in the press must become part of the cooperative poetry press with monthly meetings in Santa Cruz. The other poets involved in the press are Marcia Adams, Robin White Turtle Lysne, Stuart Presley, and Janet Trenchard. Check out their books below under the poetry section.
Poetry Books
Infused with the Muse

Barbara Thomas began painting at age 30, after an infusion of energy from the Holy Mother Spirit. Proof that creativity flows at any age, the writings in this book were created after she was 80. She has three other books and a DVD, and she has painted the complete tarot deck, and maintains a blog to share her experiences with the Elemental and Angelic Spirits who live in the redwood forest near her home.
$15.00, plus $5.00 shipping and handling. Free Shipping with orders of 4 or more!

UNEARTHED is a collection of poetry by the Emerald Street Poets.
Emerald Street Poets are a poetry critique group in Santa Cruz, CA, that first started in Joe Stroud’s poetry class at Cabrillo College in 1995.
Joe announced that he would be taking a sabbatical and Phil Wagner passed around a sheet to start a critique group among the students.
Twenty-five years later, the group has changed with fourteen poets, most have their own books today, let alone their own careers as writers and artists or photographers.
Poets include: Len Anderson, Marcia Adams, Andrew Fague, Robin Lysne, Joanna Martin, Tom McKoy, Adela Najarro, Stuart Presley, Lisa Simon, Janet Trenchard, and Phil Wagner.
Poets who were apart of our Emerald Street Family and who will stay in our memory and hearts are: Virgil Banks, Phyllis Mayfield, and Kathleen Flowers.
$15.00, plus $5.00 shipping and handling. Free Shipping with orders of 4 or more!
Visible Light

From inside the book:
“Between the world as it is, and isn’t, Stuart Presley finds the luminous difference.”
Michael Hannon
Hannon is the author of thirty-five poetry titles, including four full-length poetry collections:A Door in the Water (1975), Poems & Days (1985), Ordinary Messengers (1991), Trusting Oblivion (2002), Imaginary Burden: Selected Poems (2013).
What a thing you are, back!
did you decide
to walk upright?
Can you sit
still enough
to let in the light?
“Stuart’s work is subtle, funny, and ironic, with a twist of the extraordinary. Always in his work, both in his photographs, and poems, there is a nod to the current issues and the cosmos.”
Robin White Turtle Lysne, Ph.D.
Editor, BlueBoneBooks
$15.00, plus $5.00 shipping and handling. Free Shipping with orders of 4 or more!

“Marcia Adams is the kind of inspired poet who takes us exploring. As she grows up in Northern California, discovers WWII history in a collection of love letters, wades through sorrow, and dives into joy, we delight and laugh along with her. I treasure her words. You won’t want to miss this lovely writer.”
Linda Helding
author of Explorer
Missoula, Montana
“Tender and hard-hitting, these ‘under-stories’ are a visceral connection between history and family. Marcia Adams’ voice is immediate and close because her people ‘need to be remembered.'”
Pegatha Hughes
author of Painting the Sun
“Understory takes us beneath the forest canopies of the Mokelumne wilderness from the 1850s to the 1940s to reveal lives rife with beauty and misery. These poems dignify the domestic by revealing the true hardships and untold stories of women, and portray hard-working men who labored in lumber mills and flew fighter planes in WWII. With humor and derision, Adams questions the ‘spiritual noise’ of the Mormon faith that shaped the lives of her great grandparents and those who came after. Understory delivers a haunting exploration of the complex threads that comprise the tapestry of one poet’s profound family history.”
Maggie Paul
author of Borrowed World
$15.00, plus $5.00 shipping and handling. Free Shipping with orders of 4 or more!

Janet Trenchard’s Infrared is a poetic montage of poetry and paintings spanning 20 years. Her first book of poems, she traverses vast landscapes of personal dreams, visions, and self reflection. Through the SoulCollage process, she creates a memory collage from her past and imagination.
What Others are saying!
“In Janet Trenchard’s first collection, Infrared, the poems survey a crumbling past sifted through memory and imagination, a kaleidoscope where at every turn a new pattern is revealed, a new perspective falls into place. Trenchard pairs her artist’s keen eye with equal attention to language’s music and rhythm to create an at times haunting collection where goddesses and gods walk among us, mere mortals rise from ashes, and where that which falls apart finds shape and meaning once more. Unforgettable.”
Sally Ashton
Santa Clara County Poet Laureate (2011-2013), Editor-in-Chief of DMQ Review, author of three poetry collections, most recently Some Odd Afternoon.
“These musical poems traverse a landscape of human encounters, some domestic, others alcohol-soaked, all compelling. In “Night Owls,” two friends drink the night away as a dark presence hangs over them: “it was enough to know / that it could be owls / calling to me through whiskey.” In “Wedgewood Stove,” a woman sits in her kitchen, the scene set for a quiet evening, but the “cracked patio” and “hole in the sky / with light raining down” suggest otherwise. In “Sparks,” a mattress burns for days, the energy “waiting to burst out / like so many red bees.” These poems illuminate the unexpected links in life and love.”
Erica Goss
Poet Laureate Emerita
Los Gatos, CA.
“Infrared is a luminous book. Like the artist she also is, Janet Trenchard paints with words, as in her opening poem, Spirits: “I need the color amber in the palm of my hand…” Words emerge “as trumpets summoned up/from underground that dark gold/that everything is made of”. Poems of smoke, night owls, scarab beetles, or a weekend at God’s, are painted with an imagistic brush. Here, too, is an old Wedgewood stove lighting a table that holds, like Janet’s poems, a book filled with whale posters, a clawfoot tub, Nina Simone on the stereo. One is drawn in, as in her final lines, as “angels in the Torah bending over/each blade of grass”.”
Dane Cervine
author of How Therapists Dance and The Jeweled Net of Indra
$15.00, plus $5.00 shipping and handling. Free Shipping with orders of 4 or more!
Metaphysical/Spiritual Books
Blue Bone Books is interested in publishing books that make a difference. Love makes a difference. The following books support self love, Self love and rites that bring people together. The first book published by Blue Bone Books was: Heart Path, Learning to Love Yourself and Listening to Your Guides by Robin White Turtle Lysne, Ph.D. in 2007. Other books followed including, Heart Path Handbook also by Lysne and You Long for Me, by Amita . The newest books are: Biraj Palmer’s book: Heart Calls, Soul Answers, and Lysne’s Ceremonies from the Heart for Children, Adults and the Earth. You can purchase those books on Robin’s Books link above.

Heart Calls, Soul Answers, is an exploration by Biraj Palmer, of a single question that he asks everyday, “What do you want me to Learn Today?”
This simple questions, brings Biraj through greater understanding of who he is and what he is here to do. Divine Mother answers from his soul’s intuition with surprising answers that show him what his inner attitudes and consciousness are forming in his world. These are answers for all of us, not only the author. These universal answers help all of us in greater self-reflection and soul growth. He includes teachings from his teachers, Swami Kriyananda, and Paramhansa Yogananda as well as others.
“There is nothing secret, or mysterious, about intuition. It is our birthright. It is up to each of us to open up to, and commune with, this higher Self within.”
About the Author: Nayaswami Biraj Palmer is part of Ananda Palo Alto and has been a member of Ananda, a spiritual community that follows the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda, since 1983. He has served Ananda on two continents. He and his wife, Nayaswami Lahari, have served in many capacities helping centers worldwide as well as in Palo Alto. They have dedicated their lives to spread the teachings of Yogananda and through Swami Kriyananda, have supported self-realization worldwide.
Heart Calls, Soul Answers is his first book. His second book, released in be 2022, is called The Intuitive Gardner, The Man Behind Ananda’s Meditation Retreat Garden.
$15.00, plus $5.00 shipping and handling. Free Shipping with orders of 4 or more!

A Devotional Offering, You Long for Me is a poetic reflection on Divine Nature. It gives the reader pages to reflect on offering time to breathe and to feel one’s true nature. An essential bedside reader, here is what others are saying about Amita’s work:
“Amitá holds a direct transmission to the Awakened State, all one needs to do is to surrender and sit in her presence.”
Patricia WhiteBuffalo
Founder & Director of “Walking the Shaman’s Path”, a personal transformational & training program.
“Beautifully written and elegant in its simplicity, You Long For Me is a book to be kept by the bedside or altar, read and reread so that its teachings seep into our very bones, helping to open our eyes and hearts to the wonder of the divine in all things, including ourselves.”
Patrick Letellier
author of the forthcoming book, My Obituaries, a memoir about the AIDS epidemic.
“You Long for Me, is a book I had to publish because it is not only a book but a transmission. It gives the essence of spiritual devotion without dogma. Transformation, Amitá reminds us, can be a matter of waking up to who you really are. Amitá has brought this book to us through her own Divine Nature.”
Robin White Turtle Lysne, Ph.D.
Heart Path Handbook, Poems for the Lost Deer, and other titles.
Publisher, Blue Bones Books, Santa Cruz, CA.
“This tapestry of teachings is an absolute treasure. It is brief, succinct, clear and poetic. Poetic enough to reach my heart and brief enough to serve as a valuable reminder of everything I know, yet in need of regular reminding. A reminder worth keeping by my side.”
Shavasti, (also known as John L. Payne)
author of
Teachings from an Awakened Heart.
$15.00, plus $5.00 shipping and handling. Free Shipping with orders of 4 or more!