Below are several book art pieces that I created over two years. The following: Night Thorns, Mother Earth Ritual Box, Lost Deer Carousel Book, Flight and Pond Poems all have poetry as the inspiration for the books and include the poems inside. Some poems are short, others are long, some are entire books within the book art as with Mother Earth Ritual Box book.

The Lost Deer Carosel Book contains a long poem about my discovery of the 1008 Axis and Fallow Deer killed by the Pt. Reyes National Seashore in 2007 and 2008. These deer were a sign to me, when I first came to California, that I should be a writer as well as an intuitive healer and artist. This book became the first of several books working out my grief along with a poetry book on the topic that tells the story of what happened called Poems for the Lost Deer, published 2014 by Blue Bone Books.
Flight and Pond Poems Book Art
Flight is a book art piece that contains a long poem exploring various methods of flight from birds, bees and butterflies, to aviation and angels.
Pond Poems is a pop-up book that explores a pond I walked around daily when I lived in Alamo, going to school and finishing graduate programs.
Most of these books have poems attached to them. The exception is the YES / NO book and Rim of Fog, below. YES /NO is a visual book with cut paper.
@ All rights reserved by the artist. To use any photos please contact the artist to request use.