The Mother of Us All, Divine Mother Speaks: A Way Forward, speaks about what Divine Mother wants and needs from us as humans who live and thrive because of Mother Earth, the sky and stars, and creation. This book has been channeled by Robin Lysne over several years and also includes Divine Mother with every religion, spirituality or nature experiences.
This book is colorful inside and out. The price is $25. Order it below.
Payments via Zelle or Venmo are preferred. Please send your payments to the following and add a note with your mailing address:
- Venmo: @robin-lysne
- Zelle: rhlysne@cruzio.com
You can also pay by Paypal below through Friends and Family. When prompted by PayPal to add a note, write-in your mailing address. Also, Robin will email you to confirm your selections.

Two Worlds One Light: A Memoir of a Medium – How does a person become a medium and psychic? This book shares how Robin Lysne moved through a near-death experience as a teen, and through personal growth and evolution as an adult. Through her work and guidance she learned how she is here to do work on Mother Earth for others through her gifts. Her work with people includes their need for perspective in their lives with relationships, losses, locations, invasive spirits and soul level readings, which gives people the information and healing they need. Besides the healing work with clients she offers readings, house clearings of negative entities, and channeling with her guides to those wanting to hear them in person or on-line.
She also channels Arch Angels Michael, Gabriel, Ariel, WuLan who is a Tibetan Buddhist Spirit Guide, Jesus, and Divine Mother as; Mother Mary, Star Woman, Divine Mother, and Mother Earth and other guides who come in to speak through her and her group once a month.
To contact her for interviews write or call her:rhlysne@cruzio.com, (831)457-2483,www.thecenterforthesoul.com,www.robinlysne.com, and www.bluebonebooks.com
The price is $20. Order it below.
Payments via Zelle or Venmo are preferred. Please send your payments to the following and add a note with your mailing address:
- Venmo: @robin-lysne
- Zelle: rhlysne@cruzio.com
You can also pay by Paypal below through Friends and Family. When prompted by PayPal to add a note, write-in your mailing address. Also, Robin will email you to confirm your selections.

Legendary Women Ancestor Series
Book Three:
Kisti’s Royal Garden
Kisti’s Royal Garden is a collection of true stories of the Lysne family who traveled to via wagon train to northern Wisconsin in the 1850’s and became extended family of the Winnebago’s now called the Ho-Chunk people. The book also follows the Civil War saga and the recovery from the war in Portage County, Wisconsin.
“Lysne celebrates the lives of her forward-thinking Norwegian ancestors, especially the strong and capable Kisti Lysne, who understood early on the injustices done to the native peoples of Wisconsin where she and her family settled, and found, through her kindness and courage, that learning from her new neighbors was of benefit to all. The narrative is rich in detail and a poetic sense of the hearts of these pioneers.”
Congratulations on it!
Elizabeth McKenzie, author of The Portable Veblen and The Dog of the North, Editor for Chicago Quarterly Review and Catamaran Literary Reader
Book Launch YouTube VIdeo
See the video of Robin’s book launch of Kisti’s Royal Garden!
Book One:
The Legend of Randine: Entering the Sisterhood

Based on a true story in 1820’s Norway, this warm-hearted novel immerses you in the life of Randine, a young teen, who overcomes tremendous losses with the support of her mentor, then embarks on a new midwifery career only to discover love again.
The Prologue to the novel The Legend of Randine: Entering the Sisterhood is “Discovering Randine” and is yours free!
Discovering Randine:
The story of why Robin Lysne went to Norway, and how she found out about her Great, Great, Great-Grandmother!
Book launch for Book One
with Elizabeth McKenzie hosting Robin Lysne for a book reading and discussion! Check out the entire interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/IbKEKntIzlw
The Legend of Randine: Entering the Sisterhood, order now, $20.
Book Two:
The Legend of Randine: The Laerdal Letters

In book two, love blooms for Randine as she enters a community that is so different than Bergen. How does she adjust? What is her passport to Laerdal? How does she find love in the backwater of the Sogn og Fjord?
Learn about a baby boom that she gets caught in, and how it shapes her life as a young woman learning to become a midwife and a mother. These questions and so much more are in book two.
Listen to the Book Launch with Santa Cruz Writes below.
The Legend of Randine: The Laerdal Letters, order now, $20.

About the Author and Artist
Robin Lysne is an author of seven books on topics of health, healing, metaphysics and poetry. Currently she is launching an “Ancestral Women’s Series,” with three more books, two works of historical fiction to bring to life the courage and wisdom of her Norwegian ancestors. The Legend of Randine: Entering the Sisterhood, is her first novel. The Legend of Randine: The Laerdal Letters, the second in the series, and Kisti’s Royal Garden, is the third book, a narrative non-fiction book, all three published through Blue Bone Books. Her poetry has been published widely from North American Review to Rattle to Sand Canyon Review. As an artist, Robin has been painting, drawing and sculpting since she was a child. Her art work varies from painting, drawing, and book art, to multi-media sculpture. She is inspired largely by her spiritual experiences.